
Monday, July 9, 2012

Playing in Soapy Water

It has been so hot here lately, that we have been staying inside with the air conditioning lately :) But Sammie really wanted to play outside the other day, so while trying to think of something to do that would help her stay cool, I thought of this activity.

I filled her water table with water and Sammie added quite a bit of dish soap to the water. :)

First she decided that she was going to wash some of her kitchen dishes and food :)

She played dish washing for a little while, then wanted to colour the water instead. So she had me fill up her bottles of liquid water colours and water. And she also added her water/sand toy to the water as well.

She loved just sticking her hands in the water and playing with the bubbles :)

She found a toy scuba diver and made him swim in the soapy water for a long time :) She thought it was funny to get the scuba diver all covered in bubbles lol

This was a great activity for outside on a hot day. We used hose water in the bin, so it was cold water to play in :) She ended up playing in the soapy water for most of the time that we were outside :)

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1 comment:

  1. Playing with soapy water is always a hit at our house. I like to add a bit of dish soap to the water table and the girls will play for a long, long time!
