
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ceramic Tile Magnets

paint, magnets, ceramic tiles, crafts

While we were out the other day, we went into my favourite local small toy store, called The Rocking Horse. Browsing around, we found these craft kits and bought a couple of them. This Magnet Tile Art kit is one of the kits that we bought.

This kit included some little ceramic tiles, acrylic paint, a sheet of pre-cut magnets, paintbrushes and the instructions.

The girls were really eager to paint these tiles to make magnets for the fridge. I even painted a couple too :)

Sammie enjoyed just painting on the tiles.

Maddie and I both painted patterns :)

Our painted tiles waiting to dry

Sammie insisted that she be the one to put the magnets on the back of the tiles :)

Our finished ceramic tile magnets hanging on the fridge :)

This craft would be very easy to make without the kit, all you would need is some ceramic tiles, some magnets and paint.

The girls had a lot of fun making these magnets. So much fun, in fact that we went to the hardware store the next day and bought some more ceramic tiles (bigger ones) to paint and make something else from them :) I can't wait to share those tiles with you.

If you like this post, please join us at our Facebook page for more fun crafts and activities :)


  1. How fun! I love bright, fun magnets in the kichen! Pinning this to try soon!:)

  2. Those are beautiful magnets. You will be able to hang up other art projects with the magnets. I love that idea. Thank you for sharing it on Artsy Play Wednesday on Capri + 3. I hope you will come back each week to share your fun ideas.

    : 0 ) Theresa

  3. Yeah, these turned out beautiful! We just tried drawing on ceramic mugs with Sharpies and baking them to set - my son loved it! Must get some ceramic paint now!

    Thanks for stopping by The Sunday Showcase - hope to see you there again this week!


  4. My little guys would love this! We'd love to invite you to join us at Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes! I know everyone will love your great kid-friendly ideas! Have a great weekend!
    Mackenzie :)
