
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Two Stained Glass Canada Flags

All this week we have been sharing some Canada Day crafts and activities. There was our Canada Day Pinwheels, Sammie's red & white wind tube, Canada Day rice crispy squares and a simple handprint Canada Flag

Today, we will share how to make two more Canadian flags. One is a bit tricky one, the melted crayon flag and a fairly easy one, the tissue paper flag :)

To make these flags you will need:

for the stained glass flag:
-2 pieces of wax paper approximately 21" long (I cut them a bit longer and trimmed them to the right size after we were done making the flags)
- some red crayons
-crayon sharpener
-3 pieces of red construction paper
-glue stick
- one print out of the leaf template below (should print out at 7-7 1/4" tall)

for the tissue paper flag:
-2 pieces of contact paper approximately 21" long (I cut them a bit longer and trimmed them to the right size after we were done making the flags)
- small pieces of red tissue paper
-3 pieces of red construction paper
-one print out of leaf template below (should print out at 7- 7 1.4" tall)

For both types of flags, cut your pieces of red constuction paper into the following shapes. Cut two stripes 6 1/2" by 12". Fold the pieces in half and cut out the centre, leaving an approximately 1/2" frame. With your third piece of construction paper, fold it in half and set leaf template along the fold, trace and cut out. You should have a whole maple leaf when unfolded. :)

Set the pieces on your wax paper or contact paper as shown below, with about 8" between the red rectangle frames.

When we did the stained glass flag, I used a glue stick to glue the peices to the contact paper. This made it a bit easier for Sammie, as they stayed in place.

To make the stained glass flag, take your crayons and sharpen them in the crayon sharpener, letting the shaving collect inside all three frames.

Sammie found this part a little tricky. She was having trouble holding the crayon in the sharpener and turning the crayon at the same time. I only had a pencil sharpener here, it may have been easier for her with an actual crayon sharpener or maybe one with more to hold onto than the one I had.

Once you have your frames filled in as much as you want, making sure all shavings are in the frames, place the second peice of wax paper over top of the frames. Then heat your iron to the lowest setting.

Set your flag on top of something before you start to iron it, as the crayon will melt through a bit. I did ours on the countertop without anything under it and now have red crayon stains on it

It shouldn't take very long for the crayon to melt. Just be careful not to sit your iron in one spot for very long or use too high of heat, as the crayon will burn.

When your crayon shavings are melted, you can trim away any excess wax paper. I put some scotch tape around all four sides to make sure that wax papers wouldn't pull apart.

And there is your stained glass Canada Flag :)

To make the tissue paper flag, make the same three red construction paper frames as for the stained glass flag.

Set your frames onto one piece of contact paper, at the same measurements as above.

I used some duct tape to hold the contact paper to the floor so it wouldn't roll up or move around.

We still had lots of tissue paper squares left over from our Tissue Paper and Glue Pictures so I picked out all the red squares that I could find. I got these squares from a dollar store. The packages came with a variety of colours in them, They are very nice to use as they are already cut into the small squares :) If you don't have pre-cut tissue paper squares, you can use any small pieces of red tissue paper, either cut or ripped :)

Then you just fill in the frames by sticking the tisue to the contact paper inside the frames. :) Be careful not to set the pieces that you haven't used yet on the contact paper (check out the top corner of the picture below lol We ended up with lots stuck where they were supposed to be lol) The tissue paper will not come off the contact paper after touching it.

Maddie filled in most of the leaf, as Sammie couldn't figure out how to fill in the points and small places.

Try to fill in the frames completely, not leaving any clear spaces :)

When you have the frames filled in, place your second pieces of contact paper on top of the first. Do this slowly, so you can try to get it smooth with less wrinkles and air bubbles. I had lots of wrinkles and air bubbles when I was finished lol Trim away any excess contact paper.

And there is your tissue paper Canada Flag :)

This flags were a lot of fun to make :) I will definitely say that the tissue paper flag was much easier for Sammie to make and she could do more of it. Whereas the melted crayon flag, the only part she could help with, was to make the crayon shavings. I had to do most of it. I would say the melted crayon flag is more suitable for an older child to make.

Please check back tomorrow for our special Canada Day post, with lots more Canada themed crafts, activities, recipes,some Canadian trivia and a Canadian commercial that I love to watch :)

If you like this post, please join us on our Facebook page for lots more fun ideas


  1. I love the melted crayon art one - It looks really effective as well.

  2. Oh these are great - especially the melted crayon one! I think we'll do a summery sunshine one like this!

    Thanks for stopping by The Sunday Showcase, hope to see you there again next week!

